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Integrated Computer Science/Computational Thinking K-5 Curricula

Created by the CSforAll Springfield team (Springfield Public Schools, UMass Amherst, Five Colleges, Inc, SageFox Consulting) and is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation (NSF) under Grant No DRL-1837086. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation. Adapted partially from other Creative Commons licensed resources developed by (CS Discoveries) and the Team at the Lifelong Kindergarten group at MIT Media Lab (Scratch). This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.


Notices:This curriculum was designed to integrate computational thinking and computer science content and practices from the Massachusetts DLCS standards with other standard based curricula in  ELA, Math, Science, and Social Studies in Springfield MA elementary schools.

  • Some lessons depend on integration with district licensed curricula such as Being a Reader, Being a Writer (Collaborative Classroom)and Ready Math (Curriculum Associates).
  • Some ideas were drawn from No Fear Coding by Heidi Williams Copyright 2020 NoEasyDay LLC
  • Some lessons use books, workbooks, and materials available in Springfield elementary classrooms, but are subject to copyright.
  • Some lessons use resources freely available to teachers, such as CodeSpark Academy, BootUp Integration Studios, Rosie’s Runtime (from PLTW), micro:bit/MakeCode (from Microsoft), Hummingbird (from Birdbrain) or Makey-Makey, but are copyrighted or otherwise have Terms of Usage that limit access.
  • Some materials were obtained from sources such as Teachers Pay Teachers and cannot be used without payment to the copyright holder.
  • We have labeled lessons, materials, and resources that include SPS district or teacher purchased or copyrighted or limited use materials and resources.

This version is posted only as an initial version and is not to be used without permission. The CSforALLSpringfield team is revising to remove district-specific materials and curricula and to replace copyrighted books, materials, and resources with lists referencing relevant materials, resources, and technologies.

Computer Science Platforms Utilized by Grade Level & Module 
a chart showing the devices used by grade level


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